Friday 25 May 2018

The Palawan Subterranean River

     The Palawan subterranean river also known as the underground river is one of the favorite attraction spots of the island.  Because of it's rich biodiversity, it is also known as major national park.  This nature wonder is located about 5 miles north of Puerto prinsesa along the Saint Paul mountain range on the western coast.  This famous paradise is highly protected by the Department of Environment and National Resources of Puerto prinsesa since 1992 from pollution and bad tourism.

     Because of it's  popularity, it was nominated and declared as one of the seven wonders of nature on July 29, 2011 along with Amazon rain forest of South America, Halong bay of vietnam,  Brazil's Iquacu falls, Komodo island national park of Indonesia and Table mountain of South Africa.

     Since  it is one of the favorite tourist destinations, travel to Palawan won't be complete without exploring the wonders of the subterranean river.

The Nachos Friday Night Club

     Me and the rest of my Nachos Friday Night Club buddies decided to visit and explore the enigmatic beauty of the underground river.  The place was swarned by tourists.  You can actually see tall cliffs surrounding the area and the green emerald-colored body of water  infront of the cave that serves as the entrance of the subterranean river provides a stunning view.

    A canoe tour into the cave is about 40 minutes. The length of the underground river is about 76 kilometers and tourists are only allowed to explore only up to 1.5 kilometers because the rest part of it is reserved for scientific exploration and research. Though the tour is only up to 1.5 kilometers of the subterranean river, you will be amazed by the pristine and rare beauty of the gold-colored stalagmites and stalactites and the limestone karst natural landscape.

     We all enjoyed exploring the hidden wonders of the of the underground river and our experience there was truly an unforgettable adventure. No doubt that it earned the title of one of the seven wonders of nature.  Exploring the great Palawan subterranean river may be quite expensive but I can really tell "its worth it."  Truly a great wonder and mother nature's work of art.

    To know more about the Palawan Subterranean river,  you can visit



  1. I’ve been to palawan and this was a a must :) It was a totally beautiful experience to see this place.

  2. What an awesome place to explore!! I love exploring new places, I am so down!

  3. Those caves look so cool. I have a travel bug and this would be a place that I want to travel to.

  4. What an amazing day out at the Palawan Subterranean River. What a fun group - Friday Nacho group to go out on this adventure. Love the photos.

  5. What a beautiful experience this would be! I'd love to explore this river and caves one day!

  6. I've always wanted to visit! Palawan looks gorgeous! I'd love to do the cave tour as well.

  7. That's so interesting! I would love to travel here . . . there is nothing else like it and seeing underground caves and a river would be a once in a lifetime experience.

  8. I wanna go here. The water seems great and the caves are beautiful

  9. Never knew about this special river so I enjoyed learning more & you never know, might visit some day.

  10. I had no idea that there was something such as an underground weather but that is pretty cool. I wish I could see it for myself.

  11. Oh wow, this looks absolutely gorgeous! Definitely something I'd love to visit one of these days.

  12. WOW this place looks incredible. definitely adding to my adventure list!

  13. What an amazing place to visit!!! We are so lucky to have places like this that still exists!

  14. What a sight to marvel and behold! It is beautiful 😍👍🏼 This looks like a great place to be immersed in beauty and nature.

  15. That is a beautiful sight! Nature's wonders never cease to amaze me. Love the color of the water.

  16. We've been to Palawan years ago and it was a great experience for us. I would love to visit again.

  17. Look how blue the water is. This is the beauty of nature I would love to visit Palawan Subterranean soon!
